Archive for February, 2015

Friday 27th February

February 27, 2015

I went to bed really early last night due to my weird ongoing headache. I had a little help getting to sleep. This meant I basically had a full nights sleep by three o’clock. So I ended up walking to work stupidly early and arriving before five am. I still had some residual effects of the whatever-the-heck headache in the morning, but it’s gone by the evening.

The internet was really weird today, llamas and dresses for some reason.

Doing some conf stuff at The Edge. See three friends walk past on the walkway :)

Thursday 26th February

February 26, 2015

Another weird day really.

The headache from yesterday did not improve, after physio and tablets. I went to bed early and woke up around 2am with my head still banging.

Work has a construction site across the road and it’s still very noisy at times, it was very difficult dealing with both a headache throbbing inside my head and the builders machines throbbing the outside of my head.

I had lunch offsite with H, who is always doing a million and one things and making me feel lazy.

I decided I didn’t want to deal with the headache and noise in the afternoon and headed home.

Wednesday 25th February

February 25, 2015

Bit of an odd day today.

Physio appointment in the morning, specifically looking at my right forearm, I was concerned I was seeing the initial stages of RSI, but the physio relieved those anxiety’s at least. They physio used dry needles to  settle down the muscle that was acting up, that was a first and quite an interesting experience.

Next up I went out to the UQ Market day to rendezvous with the UQCS club, to give them some pamphlets describing PyCon Australia  and Humbug a little. Most of our volunteers last year were UQ students, and I’d be delighted if that were the case again this year.

I’ve ended up with a headache at the end of the day, maybe because I didn’t have any coffee till after lunch?

Tuesday 24th February

February 25, 2015

Walked to work.

While doing some conference stuff, discovered that I hate printers. It took something like an hour to print out two pages of basic text and one image. Whatever pdf version every tool was spitting out, was not handled at all well by either printer.

Monday 23rd February

February 25, 2015

Did not walk in today.

Did go and see _Juptier Ascending_ which I really quite liked. If the main baddy wasn’t so completely over the top, I would have quite enjoyed it.

Sunday 22nd February

February 22, 2015

Waking up at two for no discernible reason.

Breakfast with C was a better start to the morning.

Afternoon at The Edge doing conference stuff.

Saturday 21st February

February 22, 2015

Coder Dojo down at Sunnybank Hill library. Quite exhausting after a bad night’s sleep!

Friday 20th February

February 22, 2015

Walked to and from work, in an attempt to have a good night sleep tonight..

Tropical Cyclone Marcia has degenerated to a tropical low and is hovering around Brisbane today, making for a lot of rain. I quite like walking in the wet, as long as I’ve got my wet weather gear. Most of the work colleagues are cats and stayed home.

Conference planning later at The Edge.

Thursday 19th February

February 22, 2015

Walked to and from work today.

Doing some conference planning later on.

Wednesday 18th February

February 22, 2015

Walked to work.

Caught up with a C after work, as a surprise thing rather than a planned thing.