Archive for February, 2020

lca2020 ReWatch 2020-02-02

February 2, 2020

As I was an organiser of the conference this year, I didn’t get to see many talks, fortunately many of the talks were recorded, so i get to watch the conference well after the fact.

Conference Opening

That white balance on the lectern slides is indeed bad, I really should get around to adding this as a suggestion on the logos documentation. (With some help, I put up all the lectern covers, it was therapeutic and rush free).

I actually think there was a lot of information in this introduction. Perhaps too much?

OpenZFS and Linux

A nice update on where zfs is these days.

Dev/Ops relationships, status: It’s Complicated

A bit of  a war story about production systems, leading to a moment of empathy.

Samba 2020: Why are we still in the 1980s for authentication?

There are a lot of old security standards that are showing there age, there are a lot of modern security standards, but which to choose?

Tyranny of the Clock

A very interesting problem solving adventure, with a few nuggets of interesting information about tools and techniques.

Configuration Is (riskier than?) Code

Because configuration files are parsed by a program, and the program changes how it runs depending on the contents of that configuration file, every program that parses configuration files is basically an interpreter, and thus every configuration file is basically a program. So, configuation is code, and we should be treating configuration like we do code, e.g. revision control, commenting, testing, review.

Easy Geo-Redundant Handover + Failover with MARS + systemd

Using a local process organiser to handle a cluster, interesting, not something I’d really promote. Not the best video cutting in this video, lots of time with the speaker pointing to his slides offscreen.