Archive for December, 2010 2011 braindump

December 12, 2010

I finished up at work last Friday, then headed down to TAM over the weekend, then at YOW back in Brisbane, both very worthwhile conferences to attend.

My current plan is to work on for the next six weeks or so; there’s plenty to do. As an experiment, I’m also trying to give up caffeine..

The Cake

All the important pieces are in place: speakers, venue and accommodation. I got to be on the papers committee this year, and I’m really happy with the quality of presentations we’ve accepted. The venue, QUT Gardens Point, is right in the heart of the city, next to the lovely city gardens. Due to QUT starting off life as a technical college it has no on-campus accommodation, but we’ve managed to secure some new student-style accommodation just across the river.

The Icing

The keynotes we’ve been able to attract are pretty stunning, we’ve got some really useful tutorials as well. All of the social events are organised in the main. We’ve got fifteen miniconfs this year, with an awful lot of content.

Open Day

My main responsibility is the Open Day, plans are coming together well, though I’m still behind the eight ball a bit and have a few groups to get back to. We’re hoping to announce a new addition to the Open Day soon, some public lectures.


We’re accepting posters this year, you can think of posters as a visual lightning talk. Posters can be on any Open Source project, they can be technical in nature, or can be art in their own right. We’re going to be accepting posters right up until the conference starts.


I’ve been doing interviews, spamming mailing lists, handing out business cards and attending conferences in order to spread the word about lca being in Brisbane, but I get the strong feeling lots of people still don’t know about it. Any suggestions on how to get the word out there would be appreciated.